1.Mention the utensils needed to make this recipel 2. What do you mix in the large bowl? How do you melt the butter and chocolate? 3. What should you do before you pour the batter into the microwave safe glass pan?
Make a recount text based on your experience! (if you have the experience about your live please share with us ad don't shy)
What kind of the recount text? Why you chose it! (the kind of the recount text are personal recount, factual recount, historical recount and imaginative recount)
Define the structure of the recount text below! a. Orientation b. Event c. Re-orientation (Please reading be careful!!)
Can you introduce yourself and your family relationship? Note: Please write it in one paragraph paragraph Use at least 50 words
selamat sore sobat kitty
selamat pagi~ selamat beraktivitas di hari seni xixixixixi. kemaren udah libur panjang nichhh alias 3 hari :((( kuyy ah tanpa babibu lagi langsung ajanii dikerjain soal UTBK ini~~ lumayan banget nih bisa sekalian nambah vocab yuhuu ^^ #SuksesBarengMejaKita
Halooow Gaiizzz balik lagii sama Mejakitty yuhuuuu~~~ kuy ah senja-senja gini selain menatap langit yang kelabu, enaknya sambil latihan soal bahasa inggris awww manteup bgtt!^^ yuk ah langsung jawab aja di bawah ini dan kasih alasan kalian yaa biar bisa diskusi sama yang lain jugaa :D #SuksesBarengMejaKita
Halo murid-murid teladan Mejakita! Kali ini Mejakitty alias mimin yang paling kece upload contoh soal UTBK subtest Bahasa Inggris lhoo ^^ Yuk jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini untuk mendapatkan FULL TO UTBK yang akan terbit Sabtu, 25 Juli 2020. Semangat semuaa! Yuk kita #SuksesBarengMejaKita
write 100 words imagery descriptions of "grandmothers kitchen house on the weekend"